Motherwort, Lavender, and Borage


  • Balances hormones
  • Cardiotonic
  • Aids in menstrual pain, menopause, and cramping
  • Purifies the blood
  • Induces courage
  • Aids anxiety

This blend works on the heart, nervous system, and emotional body. Motherwort aids in balancing hormones; borage brings courage to the heart; and lavender provides ease and tranquility for the mind and body. Overall, this trifecta strengthens one’s immunity and ways of dealing with stress.

Motherwort is a nervine, helping to heal and calm the nervous system. Borage is a deep acting nervine, used in cases where there are deep exhaustion and low spirits.

Borage contains silicon, which has a powerful rebuilding effect on the nervous system. Lavender relaxes the nervous system, has antimicrobial properties, soothes anxiety, and brings an overall calming effect to the body.

Ingredients: motherwort, lavender, borage, organic vegetable glycerine, alcohol, & Oregon mountain water

Dosage: Take 2-4 droppers each day or as needed.

Energetics: overall cooling remedy

Price: 1oz $13, 2 oz $25

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs